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PGAIR Five-Year Strategic Plans
PGAIR's 2022-2026 Strategic Plan contains the goals, objectives and strategies needed to help PGAIR achieve its vision of a Prince George airshed in which air quality contributes positively to human and environmental health while supporting social well-being and economic success. The plan emphasizes action and collaboration on air quality from all sectors and highlights the importance of monitoring progress against PGAIR’s strategic objectives.
5-Year Goals for PGAIR (2022 - 2026)
- Improve air quality through plans and action
- Engage and inform the community about air quality and PGAIR
- PGAIR is an effective, action-oriented and collaborative organization
The 2016-2021 Strategic Plan is a guide to build on our success of working together at the local level and encourages further improvements across all sectors.

5-Year Goals for PGAIR (2016 - 2021)
- Strive towards meeting long-term annual fine particulate matter (PM2.5) targets of 8 ug/m3 (BC’s Annual Air Quality Objective) and 5 ug/m3(aspirational community target)
- Support the development of new research projects in the airshed that enhance our understanding of particulate matter and odour emissions sources
- Support a core group of agencies that meets and communicates regularly on air quality initiatives, emerging issues, and solutions
- Promote a community that is well informed of air quality challenges, actions, and progress